FAQs: Debugging

Every now and again you may experience a bug of sorts which can cause a white screen or similar issues when in the admin side of the WordPress FAQ plugin. When unexpected things like this happen, best thing to do to begin investigating is to turn on debugging for the plugin.

It is a really simple process to turn on debugging, Try debugging under FAQ> Configuration.

If you get an error message and this debugging is not working use some php script for it.

To turn on debugging with php script, you must go to wp-content/plugins/wp-faq/wp-faq-plugin.php file and set $debugging = true; and $debug_level = 2; like the image below:

click to enlarge

Now save the file and re-upload it. Now that debugging is turned on, return to the page where you experienced an issue or got a blank page and it should output a PHP fatal error.

If you are unsure of the error that is returned or if no error is returned at all, then please contact us.

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