Newsletters: Embed Video Into Email

How to embed video into email using the WordPress Newsletter plugin.

Cross Email Client Compatible Solution

Using our WordPress Newsletter plugin, you can paste a video URL of any popular video service which will be replaced automatically with an image of the video and a play icon that links back to the original vide online.

See the Video in Email blog post for more details on this.

Embed Using OBJECT and EMBED Tags

Please note that this is not cross-client compatible.

To embed a video or Flash movie into an email, you should use the OBJECT and EMBED tags. Here is an example of what the HTML code could look like:

<object width="640" height="480">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="480">

Replace the src attribute inside the embed tag with the full, absolute URL to your video or Flash movie accordingly. This part

Using a 3rd Party Plugin

Video Icon:Button

There are some WordPress plugins which give you a video icon/button in the WordPress TinyMCE editor such as TinyMCE Advanced plugin. You can then simply click the icon/button in the WordPress TinyMCE editor, fill in the URL and dimensions and it will insert the necessary HTML code for you accordingly.

WordPress Plugins

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